Embark on a Vegan Lifestyle to Cultivate a Thriving Life After 50

Showing: 71 - 80 of 117 RESULTS
National Zucchini Bread Day

Get Baking on National Zucchini Bread Day

Welcome to the celebration of National Zucchini Bread Day! Held each year on April 25th, this day shines a spotlight on the humble zucchini, transforming it from a simple garden vegetable into a star in the baking world. It’s a …

Vegan Meals for One

Mastering Vegan Meals for One

Being the only vegan in the family, I’ve had to learn to make meals everyone enjoys or cook something for myself. Fortunately, I’ve discovered a bunch of vegan meals for one that I am excited to share with you! Please …

Super Vegetables

Unlocking the Magic of Super Vegetables

Let’s get real for a moment. Growing up, veggies and I were not friends—corn was the exception, not the rule. So, imagine my leap into a plant-based lifestyle; it was quite an adventure at first. But, as the days turned …

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